
Bachelor in Purchasing

RNCP level 6 diploma
1-yearsandwich course


France compétence logo


Collège de Paris logo

Partnership: French Institute of Public Purchasing and Logistics

State-recognized title

This course leads to the award of the level 6 "Bachelor Achats" title, a certification registered with the RNCP (15027) by decision of France Compétences, dated April 21, 2021, issued by the Collège de Paris.

Job opportunities

Perspective d’emplois

Holders of a Bachelor's degree in Purchasing can develop their activities in a wide range of professional sectors, and the types of jobs available are as follows:

Further studies

Depending on the student's record and career plans, further study may be possible in the Industrial Purchasing Logistics Management Master's program, Options :

Key figures

Added value for the company : Purchases represent, on average, 60% of a company's sales. In some sectors, this figure can even reach 80% of sales.

of employees
0 M
France sector
0 th
under 25
0 %
of permanent hires
0 %

Taux d’obtention du diplôme : Donnée non disponible. Sous réserve d’ouverture à la rentrée 2024-2025.
Taux de poursuite d’études : Donnée non disponible. Sous réserve d’ouverture à la rentrée 2024-2025.
Taux d’interruption en cours de formation : Donnée non disponible. FSous réserve d’ouverture à la rentrée 2024-2025.
Taux d’insertion professionnelle : Donnée non disponible. Sous réserve d’ouverture à la rentrée 2024-2025.
La valeur ajoutée de l’établissement : Non applicable

GIP CEI supports the development of these two strategic functions by offering training courses that will equip companies with the skills they need to meet the new challenges of the Logistics and Purchasing functions.

Training objectives


Analyze the market and the company's needs


Develop a national and international purchasing strategy


Design a call for tenders and/or specifications


Select national/international suppliers


Negotiate purchases and set up contracts/partnerships


Measure purchasing performance and manage supplier relations


the market and the company's needs


a national and international purchasing strategy


a call for tenders and/or specifications


national/international suppliers


purchasing and setting up contracts/partnerships


purchasing performance and supplier relationship management

Training program

  • Purchasing as part of corporate strategy 
  • Evolution of the purchasing function - Positioning the purchasing department within the company 
  • Identifying sources of supply - Sourcing and selecting suppliers
  • Needs definition and purchasing classification - Product/market/supplier segmentation 
  • Marketing intelligence: product, economic, technological, regulatory...
  • Market analysis and decision-making tools 
  • Assessing and diagnosing international purchasing risks
  • Implementing a purchasing strategy - New purchasing challenges: CSR, digitalization, innovation.
  • Specifications: drafting of functional and technical content tailored to the needs of specifiers
  • Collecting information from suppliers (RFP, RFQ) according to public/private purchasing rules
  • Invitations to tender: setting up, structuring and drafting clauses, analyzing responses according to selection criteria
  • Tailoring invitations to tender to country requirements
  • Purchasing budget management and monitoring
  • Using ICC 2020 Incoterms to determine purchase prices
  • Setting up customs procedures and payment methods according to suppliers/countries
  • Negotiation strategy - checklist of clauses to be negotiated - conducting a negotiation
  • Negotiation in a multicultural environment - Remote negotiation 
  • Legal environment for public/private contracts
  • General purchasing conditions - Framework agreements - Commercial contracts
  • Legal aspects of purchasing: contractual clauses adapted to suppliers/countries
  • Partnerships: co-contracting, sub-contracting, cooperation...
  • Supplier rating criteria - Performance indicators
  • Supplier audit and management procedures
  • The supplier progress plan
  • Overall cost analysis - value analysis and optimization paths
  • Calls for tender - Purchasing contracts - Purchasing negotiation 
  • Purchasing logistics - Import management
  • TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) preparation

Download the brochure


Read more

  • Candidates must hold a Bac+2 diploma, or a level 5 qualification registered with France Compétences, or 120 ECTS credits.
  • Good level of English


To start the admissions process, you can register directly by filling in a form on the Admission page of our website, or by telephone, and take part in an admissions session. During this session, you will be introduced to the school, take our admission tests and take part in an individual motivation interview. Your academic record is also taken into account in the assessment of your profile. You will be contacted by our training advisors to find out whether or not you are eligible.

  • 504 hours over 1 year
  • Learning Expedition

The program is offered on a sandwich course basis, or as an initial training course.

Training is provided by top-level teachers, lecturers, experts and practitioners.

The program manager is Asma KHELIFI, Phd and Associate Professor at ESLI.

  • Possibilité de valider un ou plusieurs blocs de compétences : Non
  • Possibilité de validation par capitalisation des blocs de compétences composant la certification : Non
  • Equivalences, liens avec d’autres certifications professionnelles, certifications ou habilitations : Aucune correspondance
  • Passerelle : Aucune 
  • Dates des portes ouvertes : 16 décembre 2023, 2 mars 2024
  • Application deadline: January 2023
  • Jury and interview dates: from January 9, 2024
  • Start date : September 2024
  • Case studies
  • Professional files 
  • Professional situations
  • TOEIC final - oral English
  • Drafting of an activity report and presentation to a jury

The curriculum includes courses in English and a stay at a partner university abroad, enabling students to deepen their intercultural and professional experience.

  • Room available, slideshows, course materials, student handbook, open-access computer room.
  • Face-to-face, presentations of essential concepts, case studies, educational games, company visits and testimonials, the training program encourages group work.
  • Individualized follow-up of students with a double tutoring system: a pedagogical tutor (at the training center) and an industrial tutor (at the company).
  • 1 follow-up visit per year by the training tutor at the host company.

Training costs: FREE, PAID work-study training.

If you complete your year under a professionalization or apprenticeship contract, your company pays the tuition fees for your training. So there's nothing left to pay.

Training accessible to people with disabilities
Contact the Campus Disability Center:


EPF Ecole d'Ingénieurs
55, Avenue du Président Wilson, 94230 CACHAN

Nous vous remercions de prendre contact avec notre référent admissions, Antony CARDOSO :

+33(0) 1 87 66 73 45

campus students

Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4
Item 5

Training location

IFALP - EPF Engineering School
55, Avenue du Président Wilson, 94230 CACHAN

Ecole Militaire de Paris
21, Place Joffre, 75007 PARIS

+33(0)1 87 66 73 45

Apply at

Training location


Admission requirements


Deputy Director ESLI Redon / GIP CEI

First name Last name


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