Why choose a work-study program?
GIP CEI enables students enrolled in our courses to follow a sandwich course, thus promoting their integration into the world of work. Work-study programs allow students to combine theoretical training at school with practical training on the job, according to the rhythms specific to each program.
The work-study training period enables :
Preparing for a qualification as part of a career path
Diversifying teaching methods
This pedagogical system makes trainees more involved in their own training, as there is a permanent link between work situations and the lessons they take part in.
Accelerating maturity development
Professional activities enable trainees to acquire elements of social responsibility more quickly.
Facilitating subsequent professional integration
In many cases, employers will want to keep trainees on the payroll.
Our work-study programs are eligible for apprenticeship and/or professionalization contracts. These two types of (employment) contract combine theoretical training at our educational establishment with practical training at a company. They pursue the same training objective, but have specific application modalities.
The apprenticeship contract
Fixed-term or open-ended employment contract signed by the apprentice and the employer (company domiciled in France only). Lasting between 1 and 3 years, it ends when the apprentice obtains the professional title registered with the RNCP or the diploma prepared. Form CERFA n°10103-04 / FA13a and notice CERFA N° 50032#04 / FA14a.
L’apprenti perçoit une rémunération correspondant à un pourcentage du Smic (Salaire minimum interprofessionnel de croissance) qui varie en fonction de son âge et de sa progression dans le cycle de formation. A partir de 26 ans, la rémunération est égale à 100 % du SMIC.
The company pays the apprentice's tuition fees, via the Taxe d'Apprentissage. With the Region's agreement, if the Taxe d'Apprentissage does not cover the tuition fees, a financial partnership agreement will be signed between the company and the CFA, to make up the difference between the amount of tax available and the cost published on the prefectoral list. GIP CEI helps students and companies to prepare their applications.
Apprenticeship tax relations for companies :
Ingrid MARSOLLIER Corporate Relations Manager, imarsollier@gip-cei.com
The apprenticeship supervisor must be appointed by the company. His or her role is to help the apprentice acquire the skills required for the qualification being sought and the title or diploma being prepared, in liaison with the CFA (apprentice training center).
Employer assistance
Assistance and exemption from various charges may be granted under certain conditions. Companies are also encouraged to recruit disabled people under apprenticeship contracts. http://www.agefiph.fr
Professionalization contract
Jeunes de 16 à 26 ans révolus.
Demandeurs d’emploi âgés de 26 ans et +, inscrits à France Travail.
This employment contract may be for a fixed or indefinite period, and can therefore be referred to on a case-by-case basis as a CDD or CDI. Concluded for a period of 6 to 12 months, or even 24 months under collective bargaining agreements. The student becomes an employee of the company. CERFA form n°12434-01 / EJ 20.
L’alternant en contrat professionnel perçoit entre 55 et 100% du SMIC, en fonction de son âge. La rémunération brute mensuelle minimale est de 55 % du Smic, soit actuellement 971,81 €. Si le salarié a un baccalauréat professionnel ou d’un titre ou diplôme de même niveau, cette rémunération minimale est de 65 % du SMIC, soit actuellement 1 148,50 €.
Training is financed - in whole or in part - by the OPCA (Organisme Paritaire Collecteur Agréé), according to the terms and criteria specific to each professional branch. In the event of partial funding by the OPCA, the company undertakes to cover the delta.
GIP CEI helps students and companies to prepare their applications.
The employer must assign a tutor to each employee on a professionalization contract. The tutor must be a volunteer with at least 2 years' professional experience in a qualification related to the professionalization objective.
Employer assistance
Assistance and exemption from various charges may be granted under certain conditions. Companies are also encouraged to recruit disabled people under professionalization contracts. http://www.agefiph.fr
Aid for apprenticeship contract hires: aid created for all apprenticeship contract hires in 2023 will be valid until 2027.
From 2023 onwards, a new aid is introduced. The amount is €6,000.
More information on this page
Health and safety rules applicable in the workplace
Votre employeur est tenu d’assurer le suivi de votre état de santé, afin de vous informer sur les risques éventuels auxquels vous expose votre poste de travail et préserver votre santé tout au long de votre parcours professionnel. En fonction de votre poste de travail, des risques professionnels auxquels vous êtes exposé, de votre état de santé et de votre âge, vous bénéficiez d’une visite d’information et de prévention (VIP). La VIP doit avoir lieu au plus tard dans les 2 mois qui suivent votre embauche.
The rights and duties of employer and employee
L’employeur (Art L4121-1 du code du travail) : l’employeur prend les mesures nécessaires pour assurer la sécurité et protéger la santé physique et mentale des travailleurs. Il veille à l’adaptation de ces mesures pour tenir compte du changement. (Art R4141-2 du code du travail) : L’employeur informe, lors de l’embauche et chaque fois que nécessaire, les travailleurs sur les risques pour leur santé et leur sécurité d’une manière compréhensible pour chacun.
Le salarié (Art L4122-1 du code du travail) : chaque travailleur doit prendre soin, en fonction de sa formation et selon ses possibilités, de sa santé et de sa sécurité ainsi que de celles des autres personnes concernées par ses actes ou omissions au travail.
Internal company contacts
- The Social and Economic Committee (CSE)
- The safety manager
- Occupational health nurse
- First aid at work (SST)
External contacts
- The occupational health service
- The labor inspectorate
Health risks in the workplace
- Commuting accident: (Art L411-2 of the Social Security Code)
- Industrial accident: (Art L411-1 of the Social Security Code)
- Occupational illness
Further information
Student Admissions Contact
Justine Jouan, Service Admissions
Tél : +33(0) 2 99 71 60 24
Corporate Relations Contact
Ingrid MARSOLLIER, Corporate Relations Manager
Tel: +33(0) 2 23 10 04 11