
Intelligent Secure Logistics option
Diplôme RNCP niveau 7
Formation Continue

State-recognized title
This training leads to the award of a level 7 qualification, Manager Logistique et Achats Industrie, a certification registered with the RNCP (37618) by decision of France Compétences on May 31, 2023, for a period of 3 years, delivered by the Groupement d'Intérêt Public (GIP CEI).
Job opportunities
- Purchasing Logistics Manager (experience required)
- Logistics Manager
- Transport Manager
- Consultant
- Purchasing / Supply Manager
- Public procurement lawyer
- Buyer-Lawyer
- Innovation Buyer
- Purchasing Transformation Project Manager
Key figures
The added value of the establishment : Public procurement, worth 200 billion euros, or around 10% of French GDP, is a lever for action recognized by the public authorities.
de réussite
insertion pro
further studies
The CFA GIP Campus ESPRIT Industries supports the development of this strategic function by offering training courses that will enable public bodies to equip themselves with skills capable of better meeting the new challenges of the Purchasing function.
Training objectives
The program aims to train high-level, generalist operational managers capable of creating value in the context of the public and para-public sector, as society undergoes digital and ecological transformation. These future employees will acquire the behavioral and technical/technological skills needed to create value with the chain of players involved in their projects. They will also become familiar with the digitalization and sustainable development approaches needed to adapt. Last but not least, they will gain an ecosystemic vision of performance and risk management in the public sector.
The Intelligent Secure Logistics option meets the needs of companies, particularly in the public sector and the defense ecosystem, for multi-skilled logisticians and supply chain managers, trained to implement new technological and organizational solutions, concerned with both operational agility and process security in procurement, production and distribution.
Numérique et Écologique
Creating value in the public and semi-public sectors
Acquire both behavioral and technical/technological skills
Become familiar with digitalization and sustainable development approaches
Ecosystem view of performance and risk management
Numérique et Écologique
Creating value in the public and semi-public sectors
Acquire both behavioral and technical/technological skills
Become familiar with digitalization and sustainable development approaches
Giving an ecosystemic vision of performance management

Blocs de compétences ciblés et principales thématiques enseignées
Définir et déployer l'organisation des achats
- Stratégie, processus et performances Achats
- International Business communication
- Leadership et Management
Public Purchasing Performance Specialties
- Implementing Public Purchasing
- Players and the public procurement ecosystem
- Ethics, deontology and probity in public procurement management
Securing and optimizing the supply chain
- Managing a supply chain-purchasing project with the right tools
- Planification et Prévisions appliquées
- Stratégie supply chain et processus logistiques
- Logistics performance and operational excellence
Public Purchasing Performance Specialties
- Risk management and supply chain resilience
- Controlling the execution of public procurement contracts and internal management control
- Measuring and managing public purchasing performance
Organizing mobility
- Transport/mobility master plans and organization
- International freight and customs operations
- Mobility regulations, urban/interurban logistics
Public Purchasing Performance Specialties
- New regulatory directions and public policies
- Setting up a purchasing organization and transforming public procurement
Driving digital transformation in the supply chain
- Cybersecurity and Information Systems - purchasing and procurement applications
- Digitalisation des processus métiers
- Data management and RGPD
Public Purchasing Performance Specialties
- Managing innovation procurement and integrating innovation into public contracts
- Intellectual and industrial property management
- Sovereign Procurement
Driving ecological and societal transformation in the supply chain
- Energy mix management, Public energy procurement
- Measuring the environmental performance of the supply chain and purchasing
- Sustainable development, CSR and relations with territories in the supply chain
Public Purchasing Performance Specialties
- Levers for extra-financial performance
- Geostrategy of energy
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Admission requirements
Entrée en formation selon votre niveau d’étude (être titulaire d’une licence ou M1),
expérience supérieure à 5 ans dans le secteur d’activité.
3 à 6 jours par mois en centre de formation + missions en entreprise.
30 jours sur une année.
Pedagogical organization
Le programme est proposé en formation continue.
Training is provided by top-level teachers, lecturers, experts and practitioners.
Les responsables de formations sont Jérôme Le Maire (Professeur affilié et Directeur
Supply Chain Support Ventes
chez Vaillant) et Sylvia Désigné (Responsable Formation Continue).
Dates importantes : admissions et rentrées
Dates des portes ouvertes : 3 février et 23 mars 2024.
Ouverture des candidatures : toute l’année
Date des jurys et entretiens : à partir du 8 février 2024
Rentrée : octobre 2024
Evaluation methods
- End-of-studies project on a theme chosen in connection with the assignment carried out at the company.
- Une mission en entreprise permettant d’évaluer la capacité de mise en oeuvre et de conduite de projets de l’apprenant dans les domaines précités.
- An oral presentation before a panel of professional judges to assess the student's ability to validate a project or a piece of work.
Méthodes et moyens mobilisés
Room available, slideshows, course materials, student handbook, computer room with free access.
Face-to-face, presentations of essential concepts, case studies, educational games, company visits, testimonials, the training encourages group work.
Individualized follow-up of students with a double tutoring system: a teaching tutor (at the training center) and an industrial tutor (at the host company).
1 follow-up visit per year by the teaching tutor at the host company.
Training financing
- Plan de formation entreprise ;
- Contrat de professionnalisation ;
- Projet de transition professionnelle (PTP) ;
- Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF) ;
- Contrat de Sécurisation Professionnelle (CSP) ;
- Financement individuel ;
- Aides possibles par France Travail et la Région.
Training accessible to people with disabilities
Contact the Campus Disability Center:
Location and contact
26 quai surcouf, 35600 REDON
Téléphone : 02 99 71 60 20
Training location
- 26 quai Surcouf - 35600 REDON
- +33(0)2 99 71 60 20
26 quai Surcouf - 35600 REDON
+33(0)2 99 71 60 20