
Licence Pro Electronics

Parcours : Production et Assemblage des SysTèmes ELectroniques (PASTEL)

Formation en alternance GRATUITE et RÉMUNÉRÉE



General presentation

The aim of the PASTEL (Production et Assemblage des SysTèmes ELectroniques) vocational degree in electronics is to train technicians with a basic specialization in electronics and industrial computing, for jobs in industrialization, methods and processes in the electronics assembly and manufacturing industry.

Job opportunities

Perspective d’emplois

Graduates of this professional degree work in R&D, design and methods, production and maintenance departments in a wide range of sectors: automotive, aeronautics, shipbuilding, home automation, consumer electronics, energy...

A middle manager, he/she works as an assistant project manager, under the responsibility of an engineer, in :

Among other things, he or she can work as a process technician, manufacturer, process method, industrialization method or process project manager.

Further studies

L’objectif de la licence professionnelle est l’insertion professionnelle.
Une poursuite d’études est envisageable en Mastère 2 MLAI EISC «  Électronique, Industrialisation et Supply Chain « , proposé par le Campus GIP CEI de Redon, en fonction du dossier et du projet professionnel de l’étudiant.

Key figures


de réussite
0 %


0 %


de satisfaction
0 %


for further study
0 %


professional insertion
0 %

Training objectives

Master the vocabulary and principles of different electronic board manufacturing technologies.

  • Carry out electronic studies and tests as part of the development and upgrading of components, sub-assemblies and electronic or electrical assemblies.
  • Set up and configure the vision system for product inspection
  • Specify design and manufacturing conditions, enabling the design office to design electronic boards or modules in the most cost-effective way.
  • Participate in the evaluation of the design from a manufacturing point of view at the various stages of industrialization.
  • Develop assembly processes for each new product, characterize optimal process conditions
  • Continuous process improvement from a productivity standpoint


Carry out electronic studies and tests as part of component development and upgrades

Set up

Set up and configure the vision system for product inspection


Specify design conditions


Participate in design evaluation from a manufacturing perspective


Develop assembly processes for each new product, characterize optimal process conditions


Continuous process improvement from a productivity standpoint


Carry out electronic studies and tests as part of component development and upgrades

Set up

Set up and configure the vision system for product inspection


Specify design conditions


Participate in design evaluation from a manufacturing perspective


Develop assembly processes for each new product, characterize optimal process conditions


Continuous process improvement from a productivity standpoint

Training program

Electrical empowerment, Basic electronics, C language programming, Automation

Thermal management for electronics (soldering, component technology), Metrology, Instrumentation, Sensors, Signal processing, Machine vision

Process qualification/SPC/Experience plan, Design office (gerber file, product documents, PCB blanking, Methods (case studies on line), Reliability/Inspection, Robotics/Automation/axis control

Analog electronics, Board industrialization, Production of manufacturing files and ranges, Tooling production (screen printing screens, reflow support tools, wave tools)

Surface mounting (screen printing, placement, reflow), Wave soldering: manual placement, double wave, selective soldering, Complement and manual soldering, Inspection (AOI, X-ray, visual inspection, testing), Troubleshooting

Technical reference systems and industrial standards, Company management, Project management, Quality systems, Optimization of electronic production processes and workstation design, Applied technical English, Communicating and convincing

In situ testing, functional testing (C language, labview), Schema analysis, Testability, Test coverage, FBGA programming, Boundary, Scan (Jtag)

Download the brochure


Read more

Open house dates: December 2, 2023, February 3, 2024 and March 23, 2024

Rentrée : 9 septembre 2024

Date de jury de sélection : 22 avril, 21 mai et 20 juin 2024

Date limite de dépôts des dossiers : 30 mars, 30 avril et 30 mai 2024

Selection by application and interview.

  • Students with a BUT (ESE 2nd year course), BTS (SN and CIM courses) or L2 in electronics specialties.
  • Continuing education: employees or job-seekers.
  • Exceptions are possible on the basis of validation of professional experience (VAP 85), subject to a minimum of 3 years' professional experience.
  • Training also available through the VAE system.

Practical teaching, closely linked to the company, is provided by lecturers selected for their expertise.
Modules are assessed by continuous assessment + Writing and defending a dissertation on the work-study project + Writing and defending a dissertation on the tutored project.

506 heures sur 13 mois

La formation se déroule en alternance avec 15 semaines de formation en centre de formation et 39 semaines en entreprise sur un rythme de 4 à 5 semaines en entreprise / 4 semaines en centre de formation.

Training is provided by university lecturers, expert teachers and professionals.

Teaching takes place 30% at the IUT in Rennes and 70% at ESTI in Redon.

Courses are taught by lecturers from the University of Rennes 1 and professional contributors. The teaching team includes 50% industrialists.

Training is based on the ESTI technology platform, and in part on the GEII department's robotics platform.
This technical platform is designed to serve :

  • to initiate and manage collaborative research and development projects involving research laboratories, companies, study centers, etc.
  • to carry out studies and feasibility tests as part of preliminary projects (process automation, prototyping, etc.).


Individualized monitoring of students under a double tutoring system: an educational tutor (at the training center) and an industrial tutor (at the host company).
2 follow-up visits by the educational tutor to the host company.

Frais de la formation : Formation en alternance

  • L’alternant signe un contrat de travail, lequel doit prévoir une rémunération.
  • Les frais de formation sont pris en charge par l’OPCO de l’entreprise d’accueil

campus students

1 Logo Accelonix
2 Logo AsteelFlash
3 Logo Safran
4 Logo Adex
5 Logo Aria
6 Logo Aster
7 Logo Axis Electro
8 Logo Cofidur
9 Logo Europlacer
10 ACB Group
11 Hensoldt
12 Keysight
13 Reflexces
14 Seico
15 Selha Group
16 Thales
17 Tronico

Training location

Plateforme électronique /ESTI Zone du Chatelet
6 rue de la Maillardais - 35600 REDON

IUT - University of Rennes 1

+33(0)2 99 71 60 24



Associate Professor and Director ESTI /GIP CEI


Deputy Director ESLI Redon / GIP CEI

First name Last name


Lorem ipsum