The GIP E.S.P.R.I.T Industries Campus in Redon is financed by the European Regional Development Fund, INTERREG Espace Atlantique pour l'efficacité énergétique et les énergies renouvelables 4 eau (EERES4WATER). It is also financed by the Conseil régional de Bretagne, SDE 22, SDE 35, Brest Métropole and the Redon conurbation.
The aim is to reduce the energy and financial costs of water management, both on the mainland and on the Atlantic islands. It aims to strengthen small and medium-sized enterprises so that they can offer the best solutions through innovation and cooperation.
The project is led by the CTA (Technological Corporation of Andalusia in Spain). Several actions have been developed with partners in Spain, Portugal, Wales, Ireland and France (Brittany).
The GIP plans to equip at least 2 sites in Brittany with micro-turbines, and to work on pumps running on hybrid energy systems (turbine, solar panels... on islands). The team will combine case studies and pilot sites.
We will also help local companies to develop a dedicated offer to ensure the best solutions for water management and enable them to be market-ready. Cooperation and agreements will be strengthened between each project region.
This project started in April 2019 and runs for 3 years with a budget of €450,000 in Brittany.
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