Institut au service de la souveraineté économique, industrielle et numérique et des compétences de demain.
IFALP, the Institut Français des Achats et de la Logistique Publics (French Institute of Public Purchasing and Logistics), is one of the winners of the France 2030 plan, and is supported by the French government in its efforts to meet the challenges of the national acceleration strategy in terms of economic, industrial and digital security and sovereignty, and the transition of the French economy.
Training courses
Purchasing and Public Procurement
- Bachelor PurchasingPurchaser France and International, in 1 year
- Master 2 MLAI PAPPublic Purchasing Performance option, 1 to 2 years
- Mastère 2 MLAI option Cybersécurité et Cyberdéfense, en 1 à 2 ans
Through these training courses, IFALP and its public-sector partners aim to train learners capable of creating value in a context of transformation in the world of public affairs. Public organizations and their public-private ecosystems are facing major challenges: dematerializing processes, securing supplies, stimulating technological innovation, cybersecurity, reducing ecological impact, techniques promoting sustainable development...
Contact et lieu de formation
Responsable des Admissions et du Développement IFALP :
Tél. : 06 03 79 53 48 / 01 87 66 58 37
Mail : acardoso@gip-cei.com
IFALP welcomes its students on two sites:
- The Ecole Militaire is located in the 7th arrondissement, on one of the most beautiful vantage points in Paris.
- EPF engineering school (at 55 avenue du Président Wilson, 94230 Cachan)
A disability consultant at your service
If you have a temporary or permanent disability, or if you suffer from a disabling health problem, our disability advisor Blandine PHILIPPE is at your disposal on Mondays or Tuesdays (by appointment by telephone or videoconference). To find out more and get in touch: Handicap - GIP CEI - Redon et Paris (gip-cei.com)