Short courses in logistics

Develop your employees' skills
In a changing economic, technological and ethical context, companies and organizations must not only adapt, but also anticipate their skills needs.
The GIP CEI / ESLI - ESTI Campus offers a range of modules, programs and training courses, with diplomas or qualifications, short or long, intra or inter-company, tailored solutions.
On our Campus, you'll benefit from effective, high-quality teaching, supported by top-notch lecturers.
Our short courses in logistics
Organizing production
Organiser la production Adapter l’organisation de la production aux besoins des clients Candidater...
Organize and manage warehousing
Organiser et gérer l’entreposage Améliorer la satisfaction client et la productivité de l’entrepôt...
Hospital logistics
Logistique Hospitalière Formation éligible au CPF, du 19 au 21 novembre 2025, à Redon (35) Contact :...
Lean Management
Lean Management Candidater en ligne Prendre RDV Objectifs Augmenter son efficacité en utilisant le management...
Procurement and inventory management
Approvisionner et gérer les stocks Maîtriser les processus de dimensionnement des stocks et l’organisation...
Customs training
Formation Douane 8 heures (1 jour) Candidater en ligne Prendre RDV Présentation La douane, point de passage...
INCOTERMS training
Formation INCOTERMS 14 heures (2 jours) Candidater en ligne Prendre RDV Présentation Afin d’harmoniser,...