Continuing Education
There are many ways to finance professional training. Whether you're an employee, a job seeker, looking to retrain, or working towards a VAE qualification, how can you finance your training?
One of the challenges set by the government is to enable all employees to take part in training throughout their career, whatever their situation, in order to stay in their job or move on to other professions.
You are?
- The Personal Training Account - CPF (formerly DIF)
- The professional transition project - CPF de transition (formerly CIF)
- The Skills Development Plan (formerly the Training Plan)
- FNE Reinforcé
Employees in transition/retraining
- The Personal Training Account - CPF (formerly DIF)
- CPF – Abondement France Travail
- France Travail – AIF (Aide Individuelle à la Formation)
- Work-study retraining or promotion (Pro-A)
- The Brittany Region
- Collective transitions: anticipating and supporting the retraining of employees whose jobs are threatened
Job seeker
- The Personal Training Account - CPF (formerly DIF)
- CPF – Abondement France Travail
- France Travail – AIF (Aide Individuelle à la Formation)
- The Brittany Region
Non-salaried manager, self-employed, liberal profession
- The Personal Training Account - CPF (formerly DIF)
- Training budget OPCO (OPérateur de COmpétences) (Contact your Opco)
Training contact:
Sylvia Désigné
Tel: 02 99 71 60 23
- The Personal Training Account - Co-constructed
Companies can ask their employees to invest their CPF in training. Employers, for their part, can top up the amount required and/or free up the employee's time to follow the training course.
- The professional transition project - CPF de transition (formerly CIF)
- The Skills Development Plan (formerly the Training Plan)
- OPCO contribution - Companies with fewer than 50 employees. (Contact your Opco)
- Collective transitions: anticipating and supporting the retraining of employees whose jobs are threatened
Company contact:
Ingrid Marsollier, Corporate Relations Project Manager
Direct line: +33(0) 2 23 10 04 11
You are a non-salaried manager, self-employed, liberal profession, etc.
- The Personal Training Account - CPF (formerly DIF)
- Training budget OPCO (OPérateur de COmpétences) (Contact your Opco)
Training contact:
Sylvia Désigné
Tel: 02 99 71 60 23
1 - The Personal Training Account - CPF (formerly DIF)
The CPF replaces the Droit Individuel à la Formation (DIF) and enables all workers to acquire training rights. Since 2019, the account is no longer credited in hours, but in euros on the basis of €15 per hour. Acquired rights are not lost and can be mobilized at any time (change of status, period of unemployment, period worked...). This is an individual account credited with 24 hours per year worked (up to 120 hours, then 12 hours up to 150 hours).
Chacun est libre d’employer ses heures cumulées à des formations dites éligibles – qualifiantes ou certifiantes comme les formations du Campus ESPRIT Industries. Votre OPCO (ou France Travail si vous êtes chômeur) validera ou non votre projet pédagogique.
How you fund your account will depend on your status:
- Private-sector employees: each year, the account will be topped up by 500 euros for employees who have worked at least the legal or conventional working time for the year. If you're a part-time employee, you'll be credited with 500 euros if you work at least 50% of a full-time schedule. Otherwise, your entitlement is calculated on a pro rata basis. The account is capped at 5,000 euros.
- Employees with little or no qualifications: the CPF is topped up by 800 euros a year, with a fixed ceiling of 8,000 euros.
- Jobseekers: jobseekers can use their acquired rights; please note that periods of unemployment do not give rise to a credit on the CPF.
- Self-employed workers and liberal professions: if the self-employed worker is up to date with his CPF contributions to the FAF depending on the nature of his activity, his account will be credited with 500 euros per year.
- Disabled employee: any person admitted to an establishment or service d'aide par le travail is entitled to 800 euros per year, capped at 8,000 euros.
The CPF can be used to finance:a skills assessment or support for validation of acquired experience (VAE).
Training courses are eligible for the CPF if they lead to :
- A certification registered in the Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (RNCP).
- A certificate of validation of blocks of skills corresponding to a part of a certification registered with the RNCP.
- Certification and accreditation registered in the specific repertoire corresponding to professional skills complementary to professional certifications
Link: My CPF Training Account
The beneficiaries of this scheme are as follows:
- You are an employee with an open-ended contract, and have worked for at least 24 months (consecutive or otherwise), including 12 months with the company at the date of departure for training.
- If you are a fixed-term contract employee, you must have been employed for a cumulative period of 24 months over the last 5 years (including 4 months on fixed-term contracts over the last 12 months).
You need to make a request to your employer beforehand, respecting the deadlines. Then complete an application with Transitions pro.
Training courses eligible for the CPF are also eligible for the CTP, as are skills assessment and validation of acquired experience (VAE).
How do I go about it?
Once your project has been defined. You must apply to your employer for a leave of absence no later than 60 days before the start of a training course lasting less than 6 months, and 120 days for a continuous interruption of work lasting more than 6 months. Your employer has 1 month in which to respond; failure to do so constitutes acceptance. As soon as your employer has validated your request, you must submit a request for reimbursement to the regional interprofessional joint committee (CPIR), which must rule on the request.
- Training costs.
- Transportation, meals and accommodation.
- Remuneration if all or part of the training is carried out during working hours.
- Are covered by CPIR.
Link : TransitionsPro procedure
2 - The professional transition project - CPF de transition Professionnel CTP - (former CIF)
As an employee, this scheme enables you to take a training course leading to a certificate or diploma during your working hours, in order to develop your skills. This training may be unrelated to your current position.
3 - Collective transitions: anticipating and supporting the retraining of employees whose jobs are threatened
This scheme addresses the crucial issue of professional retraining in times of crisis. But with an additional dimension: it aims to train low-skilled employees whose jobs are under threat, and to encourage their retraining in promising trades in your employment area. The aim: to avoid unemployment. In fact, this is what makes "transition collective" so special, as it puts employees undergoing professional retraining in touch with companies with local recruitment needs.
On the training side, we finance all courses leading to certification or long courses (up to 24 months), as well as VAE.
If you meet these criteria, your training AND salary will be paid at 100% if your company has fewer than 300 employees - this rate drops to 75% for companies with fewer than 1,000 employees, and to 40% above that.
4 - The skills development plan (formerly the Training Plan)
A training course is defined as "an educational program designed to achieve a professional objective" (article L6313-2 of the French Labor Code). It is possible to carry out on-the-job training with the Afest scheme, as well as face-to-face and distance training (in full or in part).
The aim is to enable companies to support their employees by adapting them to their jobs and enabling them to develop in line with their strategy. For your training to be included in the Skills Development Plan, you need to contact your company's HR or Training department to present your project and objectives in the context of your career path. There are two types of training actions eligible for the Skills Development Plan: compulsory or necessary actions, and other training actions.
- Compulsory or necessary training: this refers to any training enabling the acquisition of skills that can be used within the scope of the employee's duties, or that are essential following a planned development or a change in duties. These actions must be organized during the employee's working hours, with continued remuneration.
- Other training courses: these are designed to develop skills that the employee has not acquired in his job, and which will enable him to develop his career within or outside the company. They can be organized during working hours, with continued remuneration, or outside working hours under certain conditions.
The skills development plan also includes other actions such as skills assessment, validation of acquired experience (VAE) or promotion through work-study programs (Pro-A).
Companies with fewer than 50 employees can apply to their OPCO for a top-up, thereby significantly reducing the cost of training.
5 - FNE Reinforcé
Maintaining jobs FNE: FNE-Formation, to keep employees on short-time working
The National Employment-Training Fund is one of the tools in the government's recovery plan - and has been reinforced in recent months. The aim is to keep employees in work, through training. FNE-Formation can be used by any company, whatever its size or sector of activity. And it can be used for all types of training, whether face-to-face or distance learning (including skills assessment and validation of prior learning and experience, or VAE). The only condition is that you must be in partial employment, with the exception of apprenticeship and professionalization contracts.
The principle is relatively simple:
- Choose a course
- Send it to your employer, who will forward the request for reimbursement to your OPCO.
- An agreement is signed between the French government and your company, covering 70% to 80% of training costs. If you work in an SME with fewer than 50 employees, your OPCO may even cover an additional portion. Please note that depending on the cost of your training (below or above the threshold of €1,500 incl. tax per person), your application will be processed automatically or will be the subject of a more in-depth study. Finally, you'll need to choose a registered training organization, certified by Datadock or Qualiopi.
To find out more
Training courses eligible for the Pro-A scheme are those leading to a professional qualification certification (CQP), validation of acquired experience (VAE), training courses leading to a certification registered with the RNCP and training courses leading to a qualification recognized in the classifications of a national branch collective agreement.
The program generally lasts between 6 and 12 months, and can be longer in special cases. Training can take place during or outside working hours. Its duration must be between 15% and 25% of the total duration of the period, with a minimum of 150 hours. It is generally carried out during working hours, with the employer maintaining the employee's salary. At the employee's request, it can be carried out outside working hours as part of his or her CPF. The company can also request that the training take place outside working hours, with the employee's written agreement, up to a maximum of 30 hours per year.
Note: During the work-study period, the employee is accompanied by a tutor appointed by the company, who must have 2 years' experience and the required qualifications in the subject of the training followed.
All or part of the training costs, travel and accommodation expenses will be covered by the company's OPCO.
6 - Work-study retraining or promotion (Pro-A)
This scheme, known as reconversion or promotion by alternation (Pro-A), enables employees to follow an individualized training path that alternates periods of training and work. It encourages professional development or promotion, and job retention.
It complements the company's skills development plan and personal training account (CPF). Work-study retraining or promotion can be initiated by the employee or the company, and is aimed at :
- employees on permanent contracts,
- employees on open-ended "contrat unique d'insertion" (CUI) contracts,
- professional sportsmen and women or trainers on fixed-term contracts (CDD),
- employees placed on part-time work (a scheme for temporarily reducing or suspending an employee's activity).
Note that the employee must not have a level of qualification sanctioned by a professional certification registered with the RNCP that corresponds to level 6.
7 - Aide Individuelle à la Formation (AIF) for jobseekers
L’Aide Individuelle à la Formation est un dispositif qui permet de financer en tout ou partie des formations suivies par le demandeur d’emploi. Cette aide est mobilisée par France Travail et uniquement lorsque les frais pédagogiques ne sont pas pris en charge partiellement ou totalement par les collectivités territoriales et les OPCO. Le demandeur d’emploi peut utiliser son CPF pour réaliser les formations et l’AIF peut venir l’abonder. Seules les formations validées par France Travail sont éligibles à ce dispositif. La mise en œuvre se réalise par la signature d’une convention de formation entre l’organisme de formation, France Travail et le demandeur d’emploi. Le montant de l’aide est versé à l’organisme de formation. Sont concernés :
- Les demandeurs d’emploi inscrits à France Travail.
- Beneficiaries of the contrat de sécurisation professionnelle (CSP), contrat de transition professionnelle (CTP) or congé de reclassement (CRP).
Jobseekers receiving back-to-work benefits (ARE) retain these benefits throughout the training period.
8 - The Brittany Region
The Brittany Region can provide assistance for Breton jobseekers, and for certain programs (such as our Logistics Manager diploma courses) - Find out more about Logistics Manager training.