
Degree in Logistics and Flow Management

Parcours : Logistique des filières Industrielles (LFI)

FREE, PAID work-study training

Code de la fiche RNCP : 29988

Partner establishment

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Job opportunities

Perspective d’emplois

The Industrial Supply Chain Logistics Manager works on logistics, supply chain and industrial processes with a global, inter-organizational and intra-organizational vision of flows.
The company is understood here in the broadest sense (subsidiary, production site, logistics site, agency, entity with autonomy of decision and action...).

Some examples of job titles :

Further studies

L’objectif de la licence professionnelle est l’insertion professionnelle.
Une poursuite d’études est envisageable, en fonction du dossier et du projet professionnel de l’étudiant.


Décret VAE – Code de l’éducation : article L 613-3modifié par la loi n° 2015-366 du 31 mars 2015
Décret n° 2017-1135 du 4 juillet 2017 relatif à la mise en œuvre de la validation des acquis de l’expérience
Source : Fiche Nationale RNCP

Key figures


de réussite*
0 %


0 %


de satisfaction
0 %

2023 (en cours)

for further study
0 %

2023 (en cours)

insertion rate
0 %

* sur 14 candidats présentés

The CFA GIP Campus ESPRIT Industries supports this sector with its high employment potential: 500,000 jobs to be filled by 2025, by developing and offering training courses to help companies make the transition to greener, increasingly digitized logistics, by enabling them to acquire new knowledge/skills in logistics/Lean/continuous improvement.

Data source:

Training objectives

The aim of this professional degree (BAC+3, LEVEL 6) is to train multi-skilled logistics professionals in industrial sectors, capable of leading continuous improvement projects, optimizing flows/stocks and improving service to internal or external customers at minimum cost.

The Industrial Sectors Logistics Manager is required to coordinate his or her actions with all the company's other functions and all the players in the company's network.


Manage continuous improvement projects


Optimize flows/stocks

Customer relations

Improve service to internal and external customers at minimum cost


Coordinate with all other company functions


Manage continuous improvement projects


Optimize flows/stocks

Customer relations

Improve service to internal and external customers at minimum cost


Coordinate with all other company functions

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training programs

  • From logistics to supply chain management
  • Supply chain performance and cost management
  • Purchasing Management
  • Logistics/supply chain dashboard

(Program subject to change)

  • Principles of Lean and continuous improvement
  • Lean Manufacturing
  • Lean applied to the supply chain
  • Lean management of distribution networks

(Program subject to change)

  • Gestion de projet
  • Ergonomics and safety in industrial environments
  • Information systems and databases
  • Anglais professionnel et technique
  • Communication and team management

(Program subject to change)

Download the brochure


Equivalences, liens avec d’autres certifications professionnelles, certifications ou habilitations : Aucune correspondance

Read more

Initial training is open to holders of :

  • L2 (management, business, technology)
  • DUT (GLT, TC, OGP, QLIO...)
  • a technical or logistics BTS
  • other diplomas of equivalent level

Continuing education: for employees and job-seekers with industrial experience.

The course is run on a sandwich basis:
- 16 weeks at the training center
- 36 weeks on the job.

Work-study schedule:
- 2 weeks on the job
- 1 week at the training center

  • Individualized follow-up of students with a double tutoring system: a pedagogical tutor (at the training center) and an industrial tutor (at the company).
  • 2 follow-up visits to the host company by the training tutor.
  • Training is provided by top-level teachers, lecturers, experts and practitioners.
  • Possibilité de valider un ou plusieurs blocs de compétences : Non
  • Possibilité de validation par capitalisation des blocs de compétences composant la certification : Non

Open house dates :

16 décembre 2023, 2 mars 2024

Application deadline: January 2024

Jury and interview dates: from January 09, 2024

Rentrée : Octobre 2024

  • Les enseignements pratiques, en lien étroit avec les entreprises, sont assurés par des intervenants sélectionnés pour leur expertise.
  • Les modules sont évalués par contrôle continu
  • Rédaction et soutenance d’un mémoire sur le projet d’alternance en entreprise
  • Writing and defending a tutored project dissertation.
  • Room available, slideshows, course materials, student handbook, open-access computer room.
  • Face-to-face, presentations of essential concepts, case studies, educational games, company visits and testimonials, the training program encourages group work.
  • Individualized follow-up of students with a double tutoring system: a pedagogical tutor (at the training center) and an industrial tutor (at the company).
  • 2 follow-up visits to the host company by the training tutor.

Training costs: Work-study training
and PAID:

  • L’alternant signe un contrat de travail, lequel doit prévoir une rémunération. Les frais de formation sont pris en charge par l’OPCO de l’entreprise d’accueil
  • training costs are covered by the host company's OPCO.

Please contact Sylvia DÉSIGNÉ
Direct line: +33(0) 2 99 71 60 23

Training accessible to people with disabilities
Contact the Campus Disability Center:

Sonia BENDIMERAD, Responsable du programme

campus students

Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4
Item 5
Item 6

Our partners

Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4
Item 5
Item 6
Item 7
Item 8

Training location

55, Avenue du Président Wilson, 94230 CACHAN

+33(0) 1 87 66 80 18

Apply at

Training location


Admission requirements

Program Manager


Associate Professor
Program Manager
Doctorate in Management Sciences


Deputy Director ESLI Redon / GIP CEI

First name Last name


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