Teaching areas
- Crisis Management
- Public policy in post-conflict countries
- Emergency Project Management
Diplomas and qualifications
PhD in Management Sciences - IAE de Poitiers
Doctorate in Business Administration - Ascencia Business School
University Diploma - Research in Management Sciences - IAE de Poitiers
Certificat d'Aptitude à la Recherche en Sciences de Gestion - ESA Business School
Certificat de Spécialisation - Initiation à la Recherche en Sciences Sociales - Le Cnam
Research Master in Management - Management option - Saint-Joseph University
Certificat d'Aptitude à la Pratique Professionnelle de la Médiation - Saint-Joseph University
Bachelor's degree in Management - Université Saint-Joseph
Research topics
- Public Management in post-conflict countries
- Emergency and crisis management in unstable environments
Experiences experience
- Since 2023. Associate Professor (DBA, PhD; GIP CEI - MEGS)
- Research Fellow & Head of the Public Policy Research Axis at Ascencia Business School's CABMR.
- Since 2021. Program Director for MBA DELIVERWEB and MBA Purchasing-Logistics at Alternis Business School (Bordeaux - France)
- Since 2021. International Academic Advisor and Research Scholar at the Project Management World Library (USA).
- Since 2020. Director, Centre de Recherche Francophone en Economie et Gestion (France)
- Since 2018. Researcher and elected member of the Board of the CEREGE Laboratory at IAE Poitiers (France)
- 2021-2022. Temporary lecturer at Esprit Business School (Tunisia).
- 2021-2022. Vacant teacher at Universidad Siglo 21 (Argentina).
- 2021-2022. Vacation teaching at ESCE International Business School (Paris - France).
- 2021-2022. Part-time lecturer at Paris School of Business (Paris - France).
- 2020-2022. Vacant Teacher and Head of the Operations Management Module at GBSB Global Business School (Barcelona - Spain)
- 2020-2021. Academic Expert at HCERES (France)
- 2019-2020. Vacant Teacher and Research Tutor at ISSAE - CNAM (Lebanon)
- 2018-2020. Lecturer at AUL Business School (Lebanon)
- Research Project Coordinator at ESA Business School (Lebanon)
- Research Assistant at CEMADIMO, Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth (Lebanon)
Articles and publications
- Harake, M.F. (2023). A Methodological Guideline for Project Supply Chain Management; PM World Journal, Vol. XII, Issue XII, December.
- Harake, M. F. (2023). Proactive Crisis Project Management: How to Stay Vigilant in Turbulent-Unstable Environments; PM World Journal, Vol. XII, Issue XI, November.
- Haraké, M.F. (2023). Post-Conflict Public Sector Reconstruction: A Literature Review, 35(1), 95-114
- Harake, M. F. (2023). An Introduction to Urgent Emergency Project Management; PM World Journal, Vol. XII, Issue X, October.
- Harake, M. F. (2023). Project Logistics Management: A Literature Review for Project Managers ; PM World Journal, Vol. XII, Issue IX, September.
- Harake, M. F., Sauvage, T., Haouari, M., (2023).Humanitarian INGOs supply chain in post-conflict environments: a revision to the Lebanese context. Proche-Orient Études En Management, 34(2), 63-80
- Haraké, M.F., Nahas, V. and Khaddage-Soboh, N. (2022) 'Keen Sight Fund healthcare initiatives in post-conflict Lebanon', International Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 25, Nos. 3/4, pp.267-284.
- Haraké, M.F. (2021). Building on Chaos: Public Sector Project Management in Post-Conflict Countries; PM World Journal, Vol. X, Issue IV, April.
- Haraké, M-F.; Saliba, L.; Audeh Ibrahim, M.; Moussa, N. (2020). Service-Learning Initiatives & the Challenges of Unstable Environments; PM World Journal, Vol. IX, Issue VI, June.
- HARAKE, M.F., (2023), "Public Sector Management in Post-Conflict Countries: From Colonial Heritage to Hybridization", 14th International Odyssey Conference on Economics and Business, May 10-13, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Haraké, M-F. & SAUVAGE, T., (2023), ""From Resilience to Vigilance: Reconsidering SMEs' Supply Chains in a Post-pandemic World", GCSMES 2023, 26 - 28 Apr 2023 (7th Global Conference on SME,Entrepreneurship & Service Innovation 2023) AUCY - Larnaca, Cyprus.
- Haraké, M-F., BENDIMERAD, S., HAOUARI, M., SAUVAGE, T., (2022), ''GENIAL Project: A Transformational Change Catalyst for Communal Emancipation'' The 8th International Symposium on Service-Learning (ISSL) - The University of Nicosia - Cyprus, 08-11/06/2022.
- Haraké, M-F.; Khaddage, N., Nahas, V., Said, D., Moumin, M., ''Entrepreneurship in a Post-Conflict Country: A Stillbirth Sector in Lebanon.'', 38th Business & Economics Society International (B&ESI) Conference, University of Bahrain in collaboration with the B&ESI (kingdom of Bahrain - 02-04/03/2022).
- Haraké, M-F., ''CREFEGE: Une Plateforme dédiée aux Jeunes Chercheurs'' (Scientific symposium "Les Enjeux et l'Art de la Thèse" co-organized by CREFEGE and AUF - 25/11/2021).
- Haraké, M-F., "Logistics as an Ecological Issue ... and Why it Matters", The 2021 Global Supply Chain Management Education and Innovation Forum (Sino-American Logistics Council LLC - 16/06/2021)
- Haraké, M-F. & Nahas, V., "CREFEGE: A Transformational Change Catalyzer for Communal Emancipation" (8th International Symposium on Service- Learning (ISSL 2021), Critical Service-Learning Across the Globe: Transforming Teaching into Social Action, University of Nicosia - Cyprus - 11/06/2021).
- Haraké, M-F., HAOUARI, M., HOUSSAINI, O., "L'industrie 4.0 comme facteur de robustesse de la supply chain : Quelles implications pour la gestion des risques, Le cas des supply chains dans les environnements instables" Colloque International du Management Industriel & Logistique (CIMIL) Sous le thème:Industrie 4.0 : opportunités et défis pour le développement économique (ESLI - 27/05/2021).
- Haraké, M-F., ''Introducing Public Entrepreneurship in Post-Conflict Countries'', (III Congreso Internacional de Ciencias Empresariales - Universitaria Remington - Colombia - 21/05/2021)
- Haraké, M-F., ''La transformation du secteur public dans les pays post-conflit - Entre l'hypernormalisation et le changement transformationnel : le cas libanais''(CEREGE-IAE de Poitiers - 01/04/2021).
- Haraké, M-F., ''Introduction à la dynamique entrepreneuriale du secteur public dans les pays post-conflit : le cas libanais'' (ED 613 SSTSEG - Poitiers- 22/01/2020).
- Haraké, M-F., ''Le changement de la Logique du Contrôle Institutionnel dans les Pays Post-Conflit : Le cas Libanais'' (ED 613 SSTSEG - Poitiers- 03-04/10/2019).
- Haraké, M-F., ''L'Entrepreneuriat Publique dans les pays post-conflit, le cas de l'émergence des énergies renouvelables au Liban'' (CEREGE-IAE de Poitiers - 24/01/2019).
- Haraké, M-F. & Saliba, K., ''Hybrid Transformational Change Management & Conscious Change Leadership: The Impact of today's youth & the influence of International Organizations'' (AUL School of Business - Lebanon - 13/12/2018).
- Haraké, M-F., ''Teaching entrepreneurship in Lebanon and the formation of entrepreneurial skills'' (CODEG-AUF - Lebanon - 28/04/2018)
- Haraké, M-F., ''Aussi Cupide que le Banquier : Introduire la Banque de détail'' (Berytech - Lebanon - 22/11/2016)
- Haraké, M-F., ''Public Entrepreneurship in Post-conflict countries, the emergence of Renewable energies in Lebanon'' (International Conference on Resilience in Post-conflict cities - ESA BUSINESS SCHOOL-19/10/2018).
- Haraké, M-F., ''The Rackathon: A Catalyzer for Public Emancipation, Hybrid Transformational Change & Social Entrepreneurship - The case of Post-Conflict Lebanon'' (MED MDIO Malta Conference - 08/06/2019).
- Haraké, M-F.; Saliba, K; Houella, N. (2017). Service & Fellowship: Best Practices for Rotaract; Rotaract Club De Beyrouth.
Organization of scientific events
- Member of the organizing committee of the symposium "The Art & Science of Managing Performance" co-organized by Ascencia Center for Applied Business and Management Research - CABMR (France) in collaboration with Gisma University of Applied Sciences (Germany), and The Association for University Business & Economic Research - AUBER (USA) - 02/29/2024.
- Member of the Scientific and Organizing Committee of the International Symposium of Service Leaning in collaboration with the University of Indianapolis (USA) and the University of Stellenbosch (South Africa) - since 2022.
- Member of the organizing committee for the conference "Les Enjeux et l'Art de la Thèse" co-organized by CREFEGE and AUF - 25/11/2021.