
Interview with Zoé BENOT, Electronics Industrialization and Supply Chain Master's student

Zoé BENOT is a student on the Electronics, Industrialization and Supply Chain at ESTI and with Interface Concept. Find out more about her career in 2 minutes.

What's your background?

I graduated with a BAC STI2D option SIN, then a BTS SNEC Option Électronique et Communication and the Licence Professionnelle PASTEL - Production et Assemblage des SysTèmes ELectroniques.

I'm currently studying for a Masters in Electronics, Industrialization and Supply Chain at ESTI.

Why did you join ESTI's electronics training program?

During my BTS in Electronics and Communication, I became really passionate about electronics, so I joined the PASTEL License to acquire more skills.

After obtaining my BAC+3, Jamal RAMMAL, Head ofESTI 's Electronics Department, invited me to join the EISC Master's program. Wishing to continue my studies, I accepted.

Peux-tu nous présenter cette formation ?

The EISC Master's program is designed to help you make the transition from prototype to mass production, while ensuring optimum production in terms of quality, lead times and costs. It also provides skills in industrialization: production planning, cost control, optimization of industrialization processes and card flows.

What do you think is the best thing about this course?

In my opinion, the best thing about the course is that we have professional lecturers, which makes it easier to understand and gives us a real insight into what's going on in the workplace.

Where are you on work-study?

I'm doing a work-study program at Interface Concept in Quimper.

What are your missions?

My missions are to continuously improve and secure the Supply Chain in terms of purchasing, and to manage component obsolescence.

What are your plans for the future?

My plan for the future is to enter the world of work and, if I have the opportunity, to stay with my current company.

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Deputy Director ESLI Redon / GIP CEI

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