
Interview with Julie AGEZ, student in the Mastère 2 Manager Achats Collaboration Sécurisée (Secure Collaboration Purchasing Master's program)

Julie AGEZ is a Mastère 2 MACS - Manager Achats, Collaboration Sécurisée (Purchasing and Secure Collaboration Manager) student at ESLI and a work-study student at Engie Home Services. Find out more about her career in 2 minutes.

Why did you join the Mastère MACS?

I decided to enroll in the Mastère 2 MACS - Manager Achats Collaboration Sécurisée (Secured Collaboration Purchasing Manager) with a view to deepening the knowledge I'd acquired during my DUT in Logistics and Transport Management, as well as broadening my skills to make me more versatile.

What does your campus training involve?

My training at ESLI teaches us the principles of purchasing, while at the same time linking this sector with logistics, since these are two strategic professions in a company that are closely linked.

We are also made aware of various aspects of our business, in particular respect for the environment and sustainable development.

What do you think is the best thing about the course?

As far as I'm concerned, the best thing about this course is the work-study pattern: we have long periods in the company, allowing us to be totally immersed and to carry out long-term projects.

What's more, the courses are presented by guest lecturers who share their professional experience and explain the concepts covered with the help of real-life case studies. 

Where are you on work-study?

I've been on a work-study program with ENGIE Home Services for a year and a half.

ENGIE Home Services is an ENGIE subsidiary specializing in the installation and maintenance of boilers, air conditioners and heat pumps for private homes.

What are your missions?

I'm entrusted with a variety of tasks, the main ones being managing subcontracting and a portfolio of suppliers for softeners and water treatment.

What are your plans for the future?

Then, ideally, I'd like to be hired by ENGIE Home Services at the end of my work-study program as a buyer and develop internally.

However, I'm not closed to discovering other companies in France and abroad.

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