
Interview with Amélie LAGARDE, student in the Master's program in Intelligent Secure Logistics

Amélie LAGARDE is a student on a Master's degree in Intelligent Secure Logistics at ESLI and with Le Roy Logistique. Discover her story in 2 minutes.

What's your background?

I graduated from the Lycée St Joseph in Le Havre with a Bac Scientifique in Physics and Chemistry, and from the IUT de Besançon-Vesoul with a DUT in Logistics and Transport Management.

I then enrolled at ESLI to do a Bachelor's degree in Logistics for Industrial Sectors, and continued this year with a Master's degree in Logistics for Industrial Sectors.

Why did you join the LSI Master's program?

I joined this Master's program because I wanted to deepen my knowledge of performance and risk management in the supply chain.

Peux-tu nous présenter cette formation ?

This course is designed to help us become the supply chain managers of tomorrow.

We are trained to adapt to the future needs of our customers, whether in supply, production, storage or transport.

What do you think is the best thing about this course?

It's a sandwich course, so we all follow the same courses at the same pace.

Where are you on work-study?

I'm doing a work-study program with Le Roy Logistique in the Business Solution department.

What are your missions?

My main mission is a continuous improvement project concerning our TMS. I'm working in collaboration with a methods engineer and a TMS project manager: analyzing the Chartering and Operations processes; reporting irritants and problems; validating the TMS tool's contributions; formalizing best practices.

What are your plans for the future?

My plan after my Master's degree is to join a company that will enable me to work on continuous improvement projects in both logistics and transport.

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Deputy Director ESLI Redon / GIP CEI

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