Logistics in the healthcare sector plays an essential role in the quality of care and the smooth running of medical establishments. It is based on the principles of industrial logistics, with specific features related to hospital missions and patient safety. With this in mind,ESLI is offering a unique training course for company employees.
Professional training
One of the strengths of this course is the direct involvement of Laurent DEGALLAIX, Logistics Manager at the Brocéliande hospital.
Training objectives
This course focuses on healthcare logistics for :
- enable participants to understand the principles of logistics and reference systems ;
- transpose them into their professional practice ;
- implement a logistics strategy in line with the company's objectives.
Adapted teaching methods
The teaching approach is based on a structured presentation, integrating key information and feedback on the various topics covered. Benefiting from a dual expertise in industrial and hospital logistics, our lecturer offers concrete examples correlated with the subjects covered, thus ensuring personalized adaptation to participants' individual needs and interests. This methodology stimulates the active participation and commitment of learners, enhancing the effectiveness of the training.
Your contact for further information:
Marina BAUDOUIN | Pôle Formation Continue
Tel. : 02 99 71 60 25 | mbaudouin@gip-cei.com